Thursday, October 27, 2011

Five Reasons To Attend A USANA Convention

Meetings, meetings and meetings… As USANA Asia Pacific Convention 2012 is getting closer, the USANA Sydney office is definitely getting busier. Looking at pages and pages of to-dos, all we can say is “Mate, this is going to be a seriously HUGE event!” You have seen the photos we uploaded on Facebook about the site inspection. Here are just some, in case you want to re-fresh your memory. From the photos, it’s not hard to tell that once we fill these empty halls with stages, shops, seminar rooms and display squares, these halls are going to look spectacular! Can you imagine that? Hmmm… I can even smell it right now.

The awesome USANA International Convention 2011 obviously has put lot of pressure on us. Is it impossible for us to do a better job than that? The answer is for you to find out! The tickets are on sale at the moment and they are selling fast! This means very limited seats are left. So if you are looking to join us, you’d better hurry up and secure your seat. Posters are ready to be downloaded from the very first NOTE on the new USANA Australia and New Zealand Facebook Fan Page.

Now, you might think – yeah, yeah, I know the ticket price is fabulous, but what’s in there for me and my team? Well, there are a couple of reasons to attend the convention:

Pump yourself up with motivation and inspiration

Attending convention is always a perfect opportunity when you run out of motivation and inspiration. Just come and feel the atmosphere, hear from those awesome speakers, talk to other USANA folks; you will find a way to break through your current challenges. Keep your eyes and ears wide open and be really sharp, filter and absorb information. That will make a huge difference to what you gain from the convention.

Improve your knowledge

For USANA’s Women In Business 2011, we were named as a Stevie Distinguished Honoree in the International Business Awards category. And this time, we shall try harder to deliver an even better experience for our audience. This means more training sessions, more breakthroughs and more new products. You will definitely be one of the first to know about the new USANA products and business opportunity, and so will the people who you bring along.

Don’t miss the convention only specials!

One of the tangible values you will get straight away from the convention is the bargains in your shopping bag. There will be convention only specials and souvenirs, merchandise which you won’t get anywhere else or any other time!

Networking & enjoying yourself

A better experience also means more entertaining. There will be games, performances and variety of activities in an Aussie way…you will enjoy yourself and have great fun! It is also a good opportunity to make new friends and also get closer with your team, as you will spend days with them. Surrounded by like-minded USANA Associates, it won’t be hard to find the opportunity to hang out with them and have a drink or two!

Line up with an Aussie style

It’s the first time for the convention to be held in Australia since 2007. So, for lots of attendees, it is their first visit to Australia as well. What does this mean? A great excuse to explore this wide Aussie land before or after the convention! We will cover this a bit more in upcoming blogs.

So, come along and join us and surely you will be embraced by Australian greetings!

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