Thursday, April 16, 2015

RESET Nation Challenge Winners Announced

The 2015 RESET Nation Challenge has officially come to an end and we would like to say a huge congratulations to everyone who participated and especially to the winners Pooja De Silva and Mahesh Jayasuriya (Australia) and Jude Franklin (New Zealand).

This year nearly 3,000 participants from all over the world banded together to transform their bodies, their businesses, and their lives. That’s pretty incredible. 

During the past 12 weeks these people have made significant life changes and we couldn’t be more proud of their achievements. 

With a conscientious commitment to a healthy lifestyle that combines a healthy, low GI diet, including USANA’s meal replacement shakes and protein snack bars with moderate exercise and our nutritional supplements, each challenge participant kicked off 2015 on the right foot.

All winners will receive a one-of-a-kind spa retreat to the Sanoviv Medical Institute in May at the beautiful Baja California, Mexico. With stunning views of the ocean, the winners will participate in special nutritional, health, and wellness training while enjoying delicious, healthy meals.

Each winner will also be treated to professional hair and makeup in preparation for their photo shoot, and best of all, each winner will receive a $1500 AUD/NZD airfare voucher and a $150 AUD/NZD gift card for a shopping spree.

Once again congratulations to each of the winners and enjoy your prizes.

And if you’ve taken part in the recent RESET Nation Challenge or you want to start your own better-health journey, we wish you continued motivation in reaching your weight-loss and better health goals.

Stay tuned for upcoming interviews with each winner about how the RESET Nation Challenge changed their life…

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the winners! Very inspiring. Keep up the excellent work. #RESETNATION
