Friday, April 17, 2015

Britta Martin competes at Ironman African Championships

Team USANA Athlete Britta Martin has just returned from competing at the Ironman African Championships in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

This was a big event on the Ironman Circuit with a very strong field from all over the world, especially Europe and the United States.

Britta said the conditions were very hard on the day, with strong winds on the bike and heat during the run.
“Unfortunately, I didn't have a good day and finished 7th in the end, after a long day of suffering,” she said. (We think 7th is a great achievement – well done Britta!)

Britta said when you are not feeling great an Ironman race is a long day out.
“It was my third Ironman race in the last six months and I think I was pretty tired and wasn't firing as much as I have been in my last two races,” she said.
“I was still happy to be able to push myself through it and finish in 7th to get important qualifying points for the World Champs in October.”

Britta said the USANA products have played a “crucial role during the last six months”.
“Thank you so much USANA for your support - the products rock!” she said.
“Even though I trained very hard, raced a lot and had to travel all over the world, I managed to not get sick and always recovered quick to be able to push my body to the limit.
“I am very happy with my season; with two Ironman wins and one 7th place…I hope it will be enough to qualify me for the World Champs.”

Britta will now take a break to recover from the last few races and will start training again in a couple of weeks. She is aiming for her next race to be a half Ironman in Korea at the beginning of July.

Everyone at USANA wishes Britta all the best for her upcoming races and is very proud of her achievements so far.

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