Thursday, March 14, 2013

USANA supplements: pure, proven and guaranteed!

Written by Ravinder Lilly - Dietitian and Health Writer

Sport in Australia and worldwide has been rocked by allegations of drug taking at every level. Recently, the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) report, Organised Crime and Drugs in Sport, further emphasised that Australian sport, including competition at professional levels, may have a drug problem!

The challenge focuses on the use of nutritional supplements which may contain banned substances says the ACC. For example, the presence of certain proteins in various products which may have the ability to stimulate production of growth hormone, a known banned substance.

But USANA is different!

USANA’s commitment to research and development, manufacturing, quality control and clinical testing is unmatched. It offers peace of mind that the formulations are pure, contain guaranteed levels of nutrients that the body can use easily and don’t contain any banned substances. Here are five reasons why you can be assured that USANA products are unequalled!

1. Purity of ingredients

USANA’s ingredients are tested to ensure purity and the absence of any banned products as listed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) before their use in manufacturing.

2. Pharmaceutical grade manufacturing

USANA products are manufactured according to pharmaceutical grade a standard set by the pharmaceutical industry. This means that every tablet in every run contains precisely the ingredients and in the concentrations listed on the label. A number of government agencies inspect the facility to ensure that strict control of procedures and documentation is maintained.

3. Guaranteed potency

Products are manufactured under stringent analytical and quality control procedures and each production batch meets pharmacopoeia standards.

4. Third-party testing

For even more purity and potency assurance of USANA products, USANA has invited third-party testing of products and procedures.

The Company’s Executive Director of Global Research and Development, John Cuomo, PhD says: ‘Our testing programs ensure that no World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned substances are present in our products.’

These programs are Informed-Choice and NSF Certified for Sport.

‘Their stamp of approval ensures that there is no cross contamination and no chance of a USANA product containing a banned substance. Plus, we annually review the list of WADA-banned substances and won’t purchase, store or use any substances on that list in our facility,’ explains Dr Cuomo.

‘We have never found a substance that would trigger a positive test in a WADA-sanctioned athlete. After thousands of random drug tests on athletes, there has never been a positive test linked to the use of USANA products,’ ends John Cuomo.

5. Trusted by top athletes

For more than 15 years, over 600 top athletes from around the world have trusted their health to USANA. USANA’s Athlete Guarantee Program is a testament to USANA’s confidence that our products are effective and free of contaminants.

Dr Cuomo explains: ‘We continue to stand behind our Million Dollar Guarantee for athletes (which means that select athlete taking USANA products who is found to positive for a banned substance, will be paid up to one million dollars in compensation). This guarantee exists because we know that we are clean.’

A little about ASADA

The government authority, the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) indicates on their website that they: ‘Do not endorse or list any company’s products as being free from prohibited substances for legal reasons’.

Although ASADA doesn’t discourage the use of supplements, the organisation says: ‘ASADA cannot advise whether, at any particular time, a specific supplement, or batch of a supplement, contains prohibited substances.’

Why? Experts aren’t sure but some suggest that if endorsement was to be offered to any manufacturer of nutritional products, ASADA would need to put wide-ranging, routine and ongoing tests in place for every batch of nutritional products available for sale in Australia. And that’s simply not practical!

What you can be sure of, though, is that USANA’s testing at every stage of production ensures the purity of USANA products. Both you and your athletes can be assured that USANA nutritional supplements are free from contamination of banned substances. That’s certain!


  1. I am proud to be part of such a great company, USANA. We all know the controversy we saw recently in the Australian Press about our sportsmen getting into trouble over so called vitamins. For us distributors and our customers we know that what we have the best products and there are no surprises. Thank you USANA!

  2. Hi,

    It's our pleasure and we are so happy you are a part of our Company.

    USANA ANZ Marketing Team
