Friday, March 22, 2013

Tell us what makes you happy!

Ravinder Lilly, Writer and Dietitian

As part of their Action for Happiness campaign, the UN has compiled a list of the key elements to happier living. As we head towards the weekend, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what helps to make you happy.
Based on scientific studies and surveys of what makes people feel the most content and satisfied in their life, The UN has drafted a number of ways to make you smile.

Ready to feel happier today and the future, too?

The keys to happier living

The UN emphasises that the sheer pace of 21st century living means that although we always mean to organise a catch-up with loved ones, few of us get down and seal the deal. Ready to spread the joy? Here are some key ways to be happier today and in the future, too!








Happiness: Its a great dream to wake up to!




1. Be part of something bigger!

Being a part of a bigger group with similar aims and beliefs helps you to feel a sense of belonging and purpose. Connecting positively with people both on a personal and larger group level seems to be an important grounding for being happy.

2. Do things for others

Many studies have shown that helping others can boost feelings of satisfaction, self-competence, improves mood and even cuts stress. Tiny acts of kindness – from complimenting a friend to helping someone carry their bags or offering a smile to a stranger – can help spread a warm feeling of wellness and appreciation.

3. Connect with others

We are all social beings and being surrounding by like-minded positive sorts really does rub off. So, too, does surrounding yourself with negative ‘can’t dos’. So, make a pledge to yourself to cut the dead wood and go for the people who make you smile, those who make you feel good and help your confidence grow!

4. Take care of your body

According to an ancient Arabian proverb: ‘He who has health as hope. He who has hope has everything.’ So don’t forget your two fruits and five veggies every day, cut down on sugar and saturated fats and focus on nourishing your body and mind with healthy food, regular exercise and some time just for you every day, too.

5. Notice the world around you

Be aware of those around you, how your environment changes and the good things that you can do to positively boost your surrounding – near and far!

6. Keep learning

Challenge yourself daily to learn something new and you’ll find that little by little, you’ll boost you self-esteem and your confidence and yes, hopefully, your happiness, too!

7. Set goals and things to look forward to

Know what you want in life – or at least have an idea of your next step or goal. Chopping up larger goals into smaller more attainable goals helps you to feel that you are on your way and making progress. Oh, and when you reach that mini goal, allow yourself to feel good about it!

8. Bounce back

We all get setbacks. But see them for what they are and spring right back again! Again surrounding yourself with positive people helps to lift you and help you feel good and that you are able to do what you need to do to get back on track.

9. Take a positive approach

Where there’s an upside or a lesson to be learned from an experience, a project or a person, learn from it. Then move on and move up!

10. Be comfortable with who you are

You are unique so celebrate what you as the individual brings to the world. Having flaws is about being human so accept them but concentrate on your good points. Be kind to yourself if things go wrong, and try not to compare yourself to others. Above all, celebrate you!

Read more on the UN’s International Day of Happiness actionforhappiness

Get involved: give us a sentence and tell us what makes you happy!

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