Wednesday, January 18, 2012

For success, we went to connect! (Continued)

We just had the last of the great 2012 kick-off events in Auckland on Sunday night. USANA’s Connect4$uccess has created a huge response amongst New Zealand Associates and USANA corporate staff – Every attendee left with excitement, energy and confidence for a prosperous 2012. This is exactly what we we’re aiming for, isn’t it?

The guest speaker, Emerald Director, Dalin Wang touched hearts and inspired all the attendees. He shared his personal stories about the rise and decline of his USANA business - the difficult road to rebuild the business in order to achieve even greater success; the role that family plays in his USANA business; setting goals and lessons he learned. ‘It is a fantastic event - Great turn out and great recognition sessions! There are so many successful Associates out there and I can learn a lot from them as well!’ Dalin said. Connecting with like-minded USANA Associates and learning from each other’s success – this is what Connect4$uccess is about!

Not surprisingly, we have received great feedback. Here are just some:

‘The Connect4$uccess event in Auckland had such a great combination of product information and personal inspiration - what an awesome way to begin the year!’
Helen Bolton-Jamieson

‘Connect4 Success in Auckland was a great start to the Usana year - reconnecting with team memebers, crosslines and corporate! A full room, we were all inspired and challenged. Dalin Wang's honesty about his life in Usana, ups and downs and lessons learnt, told with great humour was just what I needed. Several short testimonials from Associates and recognition, together with David and Raymunds's input all made for a fast paced afternoon. The corporate focus on Personalisation- each Associate matters- was welcomed news. Many took up the chance to buy the special of the day, and there was a feeling of anticipation and excitement among both associates and their guests. I was so glad to have a good number there from my downline!’
Dr Monica Lewis

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