Thursday, October 6, 2011

Welcome To a ‘Likeable’ USANA Australia New Zealand Facebook World!

We have got a new Facebook Fan Page! Funky design, easy access, detailed information AND an exclusive competition for fans only. Yes, it will be another communication hub on top of ‘USANA, word!’, Twitter and Youtube, in the USANA social media world.

In the previous blog, we talked about Facebook and how to connect with us, and I bet you can’t wait for a tour of it. Let’s go to and start the tour!

This is the landing page. As you know, today is the first day of the competition. So if you haven’t joined yet, you may want to put your hand up right now by hitting the ‘Like’ button. You may have to log in if you haven’t already. You will be able to view the information of the competition, once you log in.

Apart from the competition pages, there are other four customised pages:

  • Health Check – leading you to USANA’s Health Assessment and Advisor, where you can find out what USANA products are suitable for your health needs
  • Products – Information on USANA’s products. “You are what you eat”, so it’s always good to know what’s inside the bottles
  • Business Opportunity – Let us show you that we are not just good at science-based products, but also provide amazing business opportunities to fit your pace and your needs
  • Athletes – The world-class athletes trust USANA. Why not trust your health to the nutritional supplements they trust?
You can navigate between pages by hitting the tabs located on the left side of the page (marked in red circle in the above picture). Each page will take you to the right information page you want to visit. However, you will need to select your country to proceed. But the good news is once this is selected, the internet browser will remember your country and you will not need to select it twice.

Tabs like “Wall”, “Info” and “Photos” are exactly the same as before: The “Wall” page is a default page, which allows us to post our updates, the upcoming USANA events and share USANA adventure with our fans. Posts can be text, web links, photos and videos. “Info” is a default page as well, which gives you an idea on who we are and what we do. “Photos” is where we can upload our photos, either with our USANA Associates, or with Dr. Wentz. If you are stuck on how to use Facebook, anytime, Facebook Help Centre is a good resource which will answer all your questions.

What can you do with the new Fan Page?
  • You can check out the latest news, events, trainings, recognition, product information, especially the localised Australia and New Zealand news, that we will post on the “Wall” page, and also gets displayed on your “News Feed”
  • You may have a discussion with like-minded USANA fellows from all over the world and share your story with them
  • You may share the posts with your friends or fans to spread the good word-of-mouth of USANA
  • You may also take advantage of this communication channel to post your articlesyou’re your USANA events
  • The last, but not the least, you may suggest your friends or fans to like us

Do you like this new page? Give us a ‘Thumbs Up’ to say you do!


  1. This is outstanding! Kudos to the entire team who worked on this project.

    The custom pages for Health Check, Products, Business Opportunity, and Athletes are phenomenal! They provide so much information in a clean, easy-to-read format.

    I encourage everyone to "like" the page and share it with your contacts as you talk about USANA.

    We're fortunate to have such a strong social media presence in Australia-New Zealand. Starting with this blog, then on Twitter and YouTube, and now with the new Facebook page, this team is making it easier for all of us to spread the word about USANA.

    Way to go!

  2. Tim said it well, this is outstanding. Congratulations and thank you!

  3. That's a geat new way of promoting the best,reliable,and the most trusted products in the universe,not only being safe but results in remarkable health improvements when taken over a period of time, and a great tool for business opportunity. Go Usana go!!
