Friday, October 21, 2011

USANA Biz Centre: Setting up a Facebook Fan Page

For those who have read our previous blog about the new USANA Australia New Zealand Fan Page, should now have an idea about what Facebook is, the difference between a profile page and a Fan Page, and whether or not you should have your own Facebook Fan page. In this blog, we show you how to set up your very own Facebook page (Like our USANA Australia New Zealand page) for your USANA business.

To set up your Facebook page, go to directly, or go to any fan page on Facebook and scroll down till you find the "create a page" button on the bottom sidebar. Click this and follow the instructions to set up your own page. You'll need to choose an appropriate name for your page. Remember, you can't use USANA or other trademarked names as your page name or URL. Your name or something like "Healthy Living in " would be a great start.

Fill in your profile information and add links to your website and any other social media sites you use. Now, add a few fun photographs and a status update welcoming new fans, and click "share" in the top right corner.

Now you can share your page with your team and customers on Facebook. These are the people in your immediate network, and they're keen to support you and your endeavors. You'll get a few eager "likes", and every time those people comment on or "like" something on your page, you become visible to their networks, and you'll get even more fans.

Once you've got 25 "likes/fans" on your Facebook page, you can claim a "customised URL" – a Facebook URL that contains the name of your page, rather than the long list of letters and numbers that make up most Facebook URLs. To claim your URL, visit

Now, add your Facebook link to everything! Your email signatures, your USANA website, your Twitter feed, your Skype status, your USANA business cards, your USANA flyers and presentation materials – and encourage everyone to click through and like your page. The more fans you have, the more exposure you'll get.

With your new Facebook page, you can now communicate directly with your team members and your current and potential customers - let people know when a new product comes out, when you have attended a USANA event, ask questions and get valuable feedback, and have heaps of fun!

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