Tuesday, March 22, 2016

USANA’s top tips to improve your eye health

With current social trends showing we are using our electronic devices more than ever before, with some people even admitting to having a screen in front of them for more than 9 hours a day, it’s no wonder that research shows eye related issues are on the rise.

Luckily, there are ways to improve your vision without sacrificing your electronic devices, these include:

1. Walking away: Make sure you take a 10 minute break away from your screen for every hour. It’s important to look away from your screen and blink to give your eyes a chance to lubricate and adjust.

2. Change your settings: Increase your font size on your computer, tablet or phone so your eyes don’t have to strain to read the text. You can also add filters to your screen to cut down the glare which can also be associated with eyestrain.

3. Visit a doctor: Everyone, including young children, should get their eyes examined regularly. This helps you to not only protect your sight but can also lead to the detection of some eye diseases, such as glaucoma, that have no symptoms. Depending on your eye health needs, you can see either an optometrist or an ophthalmologist for an eye exam. Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who specialise in eye care. They can provide general eye care, treat eye diseases, and perform eye surgery. Optometrists provide general eye care and treat the most common eye diseases. They examine eyes for both vision and health problems, and correct refractive errors by prescribing eyeglasses and contact lenses. Some optometrists also provide low vision care and vision therapy.

4. Eat for your eyes: Research shows nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration. Foods which can help your eye health include green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards; salmon, tuna, and other oily fish; eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat protein sources; fruits such as oranges and other citrus fruits or berries such as blueberries and bilberries. Since majority of Australians do not consume the recommended servings of fruits and veggies, supplementation is important to meet the nutrition gap. Why not try a supplement like USANA’s Visionex™ which contains guaranteed levels of lutein and zeaxanthin as well as vitamin C, zinc and bilberry extract or USANA’s BiOmega™ which is an excellent way to consume healthy omega-3 fatty acids without the fishy aftertaste?

5. Put your shades on: Sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays, which is very important as too much UV exposure makes you more likely to get cataracts and macular degeneration. When buying sunglasses you should choose ones which block 99% to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound lenses also help protect your eyes from the side and polarized lenses reduce glare when driving.

6. Safety first: You should always wear safety/protective glasses when working with hazardous or airborne materials on the job or at home. Certain sports can also lead to eye injury so it’s important to wear eye protection such as helmets with protective face masks or sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses to shield your eyes from any flying objects or even limbs.

By incorporating the above tips in your lifestyle you should be able to improve the health and condition of your eyes. Your eyes are probably the most important of your five senses so it’s important you look after and protect them.

Stay tuned for more eye health information in our next blog.

Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Use only as directed. Always read the label.


  1. Eating for eyes matters as the nutrition contained in food can help us to recovery the tiredness. Eye drops are less recommended for its part chemicals. Really hope there will be a brand new liquid products that can help to release eyes while offer no side effects and drug discovery will spare some attention to this aspect.

  2. Vitamin A is very essential to maintain good eye health. So maybe future products for eye health could focus on this point! HistonePeptides

  3. Agree with above comments. Eating is really helpful and Visionex makes it easy for us to maintain good eye health.
