Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Omega-3s and skin health

Marketing Team


It’s the largest organ in the body and skin is adapted for use in different areas of the body – from the temperature-regulating armpits to the soles of the feet.
Children are prone to developing a number of allergic conditions one of which is eczema – around 90 per cent of cases occur in children before age five and 65 per cent of cases occur before the age of one. Although the precise cause of it in children isn’t known, experts suggest that eczema may result from the combination of genetic (inherited) factors and the environment (which can include diet). On top of this, already dry skin that’s exposed to extreme temperatures, water and stress can all make symptoms worse.

So what can you do?

On top of good general nutrition, one of the components of healthy skin that has been isolated has been omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats are vital because they make up part of the skin cell membranes where they work like gatekeepers. They control the movement of substances in and out of the cells and influence cells’ ability to hold onto water contributing to moister and softer skin by helping to repel water which can cause dryness.

Avoiding common triggers like stress by encouraging rest, relaxation and play may help boost children’s skin problems, too. Plus, avoiding common food culprits like soy and eggs can help children who are sensitive to those foodstuffs. Fish is also a common food culprit – ask your doctor for testing to find out whether your child has food sensitivities.

And, while fish is a common food allergen, a lot of research is looking into the potential beneficial effects of fish oils.

While the results of research using fish oil supplementation are inconsistent, encouraging a fish rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet  (unless fish is one of the dietary triggers of skin conditions) is recommended. The omega-3 oils in oil-rich fish have an anti-inflammatory action. These long chain omega-3 fats help to reduce the incidence of an inflammatory substance called leukotriene B4 which is known to play a role in eczema.

As far as skin is concerned, fish oil helps to:
• Nourish it (as well as hair and nails)
• Encourage skin cells to retain natural moisture thus helping to hydrate skin
• Encourage the production of healthy skin cells.

A good quality fish oil is a good way to ensure adequate omega-3s and is generally safe unless your child has a sensitivity to fish oils or has a bleeding disorder, or/is taking a blood-thinning medicine or unless advise not to take such a supplement by a medical professional.
Fish oil supplements vary a lot in their content and quality. BiOmegaTM Jr. is a great choice because it has:

1. High levels of EPA and DHA – two of the most important constituents in omega-3 fats
2. It is a pharmaceutical grade fish oils supplement
3. It is completely mercury free.

If your child is taking medication, speak to your child's doctor about this before you start. Fish oil should not be used instead of the usual medication without a doctor being involved.
Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

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