Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wonderfully Wealthy, Brilliantly Healthy – USANA Super Girls on Tour!

Pamela Ferry
Network Development Manager
 Now that I am just back from our latest road show across Australia and New Zealand, I wanted to share with you what truly was an inspiring experience! Audiences were captivated by the Wonderfully Wealthy and Brilliantly Healthy road show which took place in June. It was a show of strength by some of the best women in our business that demonstrated the role that women can take in building their USANA business and living life the way they want to!

Being involved in these kinds of events is the highlight of my work – it’s a great opportunity to partner alongside some amazing women. And, our tour showcased three of USANA’s finest women.

Dr Karen’s gut instincts

She happened to be vising her 90-year-old mother here in Australia at the time of the event – so we asked Dr Karen Wolfe to join us and we’re delighted that she did!

A favourite in Australia and New Zealand, Dr Wolfe recently launched a new book – Is Your Lifestyle Killing You? Karen shared an important message from the book about how vital it is to keep your blood glucose levels in check. I never realised there were so many reasons to make this a priority. For example, did you know that it can help to balance out moods, prevent binge eating and much more?

Dr Karen: a favourite in her native Australia
 Her demonstration had a practical aspect – she had a big surprise in her bag! It was a soft-toy version of the gastro intestinal tract. From throat to stomach and seemingly never-ending intestines, who knew that the intestines go on for so many metres in length?

The gut affects much more than just digestion, too. Dr Karen explained that it has its own nervous system – no wonder I sometimes feel ‘butterflies’ in my stomach when I’m a little nervous! It was so interesting to learn that we receive so many messages through our gut, too. And, the presentation was an incredible learning curve for all plus Dr Karen made it so interesting – and funny, too!

Dr Monica Lewis

Dr Monica and co!
 A practicing medical doctor for 45 years and USANA favourite, Dr Monica Lewis is a fan of holistic approaches, she treats the individual by addressing the whole person encompassing lifestyle factors including nutritional supplementation. Plus, she offers the best of conventional medicine as appropriate.

Dr Monica’s presentation focussed on the Miracle of the Body. It took the audience on a journey of exploration detailing how this amazing machine we live in functions. She outlined some daily stresses that each of us lives with and how supplementation can help. This 70-year-old dynamo with boundless energy did a fantastic job. And wow! It is my goal to be as fit and fab as she is in the future. With USANA, I see it is possible!

Leanne Grechulk

Leanne wowed the crowds

Finally, we were so privileged to have with us one of USANA’s top business owners all the way from Canada! Leanne Grechulk travelled out with her very cool partner, musician Rick, and her gorgeous toddler, Ryland.
With her chic style and sky high legs, I have nicknamed Leanne Gwinnie after Gwyneth Paltrow the actress.
Leadership Expert, Leanne is the author of Amazon best-seller, 30 Days to Wealth. Passionate about learning, health and business, she’s also determined to promote entrepreneurial spirit, wellness and financial independence to as many people as she can!

Leanne shared some practical tips encompassing several simple, systematic business approaches. Her presentation training really summed up what so many of us already know – that this this business is easy to learn. And, that the way to super success is to keep on going and never quit. If you do this, you will see success – she’s living proof of that! Needless to say, Leanne was a great hit at every event she spoke at!

She really is a USANA star and hanging out with her and the family and listening to Rick play the guitar is something I will always treasure.
What a fab and enjoyable get together!

So as we head towards another crazy couple of months, I wish for you all that you’re a step closer to living the life you love.

Congratulations to all our Associates who have recently taken their business to the next level and shared our Wonderfully Wealthy and Brilliantly Healthy message with many more. You are the reason we also love what we do!

In happiness and health!

Pamela Ferry

‘Thank you for an awesome event – I can’t stop raving about it! It was perfect and the guests loved it!’

Annette R

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding! It sounded like an incredible time. Talk about an all-star lineup! Congratulations on a phenomenal event.
