Thursday, April 18, 2013

USANA RESET Challenge: Jerome’s winning journey!

By USANA Australia New Zealand staff

‘The RESET Challenge was an amazing way to improve my health which over the last few years had declined dramatically,’ says Jerome Amarasinghe from Sydney who is one of three winners the USANA ANZ RESET Challenge.

‘My doctor had told me that I needed to improve my eating habits and my health and he said that I needed to take action immediately. I realised he was right and I had to do something,’ adds Jerome

The 24-year-old keen sportsman had found that his weight gain was hindering his love of sport and his ability to take part in it. He was getting tired quickly and struggling to play his beloved cricket. So, when the chance to get involved in the RESET Challenge came about, he took the opportunity to improve his health.

Jerome followed the three-stage RESET plan. And, after the 90-day Challenge, he shed a staggering 40kg in 13 weeks – that’s a quarter of his starting weight! He began to feel fitter and more confident, too.


Jerome - before the RESET

Afterwards: a super slimline Jerome!

Supplementary benefits

As well as following the RESET program, Jerome took and continues to take Essentials™, HepaPlus™ and Procosamine™. ‘Taking all of these has made a significant impact helping me to be active and enjoy competitive sports again,’ he says.

So how does it feel to be a much fitter, slimline version of himself? ‘I no longer feel tired, I have more energy and am able to do more because I don’t have to carry those extra kilos of weight around with me. I am no longer embarrassed about playing sport or going swimming either. I am happy with my image and I am so glad that I commenced this weight-loss plan,’ adds Jerome who is part of the USANA Team Vision Dynamic.

Jerome now slips into clothes that he hasn’t worn for the last five years. He has changed his clothing size from a hefty XL to sleek, medium-sized clothes that feel so much more comfortable.


Happier, healthier and an inspiration to others

But it’s not just Jerome who has benefitted from his incredible weight-loss.

‘My transformation has helped me to inspire others around me to make better health habits – people can see a completely new me and want to make changes so they can do the same! Some of my work colleagues have taken up their own RESET challenge and all of them are benefitting from the program. Some of my co-workers have already achieved their goals, which is fantastic!

Getting involved in the RESET Challenge has given me the opportunity to change my outlook and better my quality of my life and that of others, too. Thank you USANA!’ ends Jerome.

Congratulations Jerome on your wonderful weight-loss!


  1. yoi are a legend ! Incredible transformation. so proud of u champ.

  2. So happy to have met you at Sanoviv, and now to have read your story is amazing.Congratulations, you look very fit now, and handsome. Wish we all had more time to have connected better at Sanoviv, just too many people, for a short period of time! Hope to get to know you more through FB, and our group page on there!
