Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our moving Fiji experience and the wonderful kids of Tuva!


Geoff Watt, Network Development
and Marketing Manager
Bulla! Earlier this week, nearly 50 of Australia and New Zealand’s fastest-growing Associates visited a type of paradise - we attended the Growth Incentive Trip to the glittering islands of Fiji. Whilst most days and nights were spent in the luxury of the Intercontinental Resort at Natatola Bay near Nadi, last Monday was different and truly memorable for all of us!


The terrific kids of Tuva

Our wonderful group of Associates gave up their morning to visit a local Kindergarten at the Tuva Public School. Although situated in a desperately poor area, this school is a source of great pride for the community and for the children who attend it.

Outside and ready to start work!

 The Kindergarten needs resources badly – books to help the children to learn to read, equipment to allow each of the kids to have a seat in class and a fence to help keep the precious children safe (the school borders a nearby busy road) are just some of these.

First, the fence - making a start with the drilling

The inspiration for providing the time and the resources to help this wonderful community came from the USANA True Health Foundation, which is dedicated to helping improve the lives of the poorest communities in the world.



A fence will help to keep the children safe
Some of us could do with brushing up on our ball skills!

Making a difference

Through the generous contribution of Associates throughout the world, the True Health Foundation was able to provide a number of resources. And by contributing their time and effort, our hard-working Associates used those resources to create something truly worthwhile for the school and for the community whilst forming an incredibly memorable time for all involved.

We dug and drilled, and worked hard in the sun. We read books, sang songs and played games with the kids, and we all fell in love with this warm and generous community. We were reminded that true richness has little to do with wealth.

Super smart in their brand new T-shirts
Some well-deserved toys!

Why we're all winners!

Although we spent the day helping to meet some of the Kindergarten’s material needs, we came away with so much more. Despite having so little, these wonderful, warm children reminded us how to connect, how to laugh easily, and smile so brightly!

Its all about the kids

Inside the classroom

A captivating experience

Each of us was much richer for the experience. I and our group of Associates and colleagues will always remember the Kindergarten at Tuva and will always touched deeply by the warmth of the humanity we were met with!

The wonderful kids of Tuva

Afterwards, Associates got together and decided to contribute further to this very special place. Associates collected over 1,000 Fiji dollars. It was a heartfelt donation intended to help meet the future needs of the school and the wonderful children and adults associated with it.


Need we say more?






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