Friday, February 8, 2013

Celebration 2013 - Celebrating You!

The USANA year really started with a bang in Melbourne and New Zealand! It’s been 15 years and there is so much to celebrate with much more to come!

Highlights of the special events saw a select group of go-getters share their special stories on stage and afterwards.

Fitness was up there on the agenda and we put the theory into action with an early morning Zumba class! We were joined by the pumped-up Jordan Kemper (who was surprisingly agile) in Melbourne together with hip-hop legend, Joel Gallarde and Silver Director, Natalie Tabony. The group enjoyed moving to a whole range of music styles setting us up with lots of energy for a big day ahead.

Diamond Director Jordan Kemper

Welcome from David Mulham

Vice President of the Pacific region, David Mulham welcomed guests, who were looking forward to celebrating a power-packed program.

‘USANA corporate is focussed on you’ said David. ‘Over 20 years, one man and one vision have led us here; we’re living that vision. We’re here to set the benchmark and achieve what we want to do – as individuals and as leaders.’

Vice President of the Pacific region, David Mulham

Many highlights were to follow as Celebration-goers were enthused by a colourful get-together of remarkable individuals marking 15 years of USANA in Australia and New Zealand. We heard from founding members, we spoke to individuals being inspired by their very first gathering and we celebrated the successes of so many people business owners in between, all of whom have gained better health and better wealth with our unique Company.

Direct from the US

The hugely successful yet quietly-spoken, 1-Star Diamond, Michael Callejas relayed a story of integrity and application that has helped him achieve super success and maintained motivation.

1-Star Diamond Director Michael Callejas

One of his principle rules is following Pareto's Principle or the 80/20 rule. That is 20 per cent of people are responsible for 80 per cent of the results. In his interpretation, Michael urged emerging leaders to single out positive and energetic people and encourage those who want to be involved.

‘But success isn’t about being busy,’ he said. ‘It’s about being productive. I have been in this business for some years now but it still feels brand new. Keep the fire going. Move forward with mental toughness. Stay excited. My excitement for USANA is still as strong as it was on the first day!

Remember, your ego is not your amigo – be coachable and learn from others,’ he advised.

Health advice from very own expert

Dr Carsten Smidt, USANA Vice President of Research and Development spoke about the real and long-standing health benefits of taking multivitamins. Relating the Physicians' Health Study II involving 14,000 individuals’ use of multivitamins over 11 years, results showed a modest but significant reduction in total cancer incidence he said. Doesn’t sound like much? Well, in Australia alone, there are 125,000 cases of cancer diagnosed annually. So that equates to 10,000 fewer Australians being diagnosed with cancer annually.

USANA Vice President of Research and Development, Dr Carsten Smidt 

Other areas of interest in the field include magnesium (every 100mg of magnesium consumed can lower colon cancer rates by 12 per cent) and iodine, the major cause of mental retardation worldwide. Both Essentials™ and HealthPak™ contain the optimum levels of these vital nutrients.

Making it personal: Doug Braun

Doug Braun, USANA’s Chief Marketing Officer took the audiences through the reason for the brand refresh. ‘After 20 years the Company wanted to stay at the forefront of innovation and personalisation is the road to invention’ he said.

USANA’s Chief Marketing Officer, Doug Braun
‘In the words of Simon Sinek, they decided to start with asking why change was needed. Why start with what needs to be done when it is much more efficient to understand why things need to change’. This, said Doug Braun, will help our organisation be more innovative, more effective, and more commercial than others whilst commanding greater loyalty from customers and employees too.

Starting with the question ‘why’ enables innovators like the one and only Steve Jobs to inspire others and to reach remarkable heights.

‘The True Health Assessment has truly helped to personalise an individual’s experience – it’s an evolutionary tool,’ said Doug. ‘You can analyse risk areas, get a lifestyle plan plus a personalised nutritional program. It really puts the user in the driver’s seat!’

Doug went on to reveal how MyHealthPak™ is a major advance in personalisation. The focus in now more than ever about you and what you want,’ he said.

5-Star Diamond Director Bill Huang

Bill shared his story to success. Simply putting it:

‘S is for study – do this as much as possible by attending meetings and meeting with Associates.

U – Use the products

C – Copy and follow up

E – Be enthusiastic

S – Share the sponsor and support because we’re in a people-business and

S – Set goals and timelines.

Network Development Manager, Cecilia Chan, David Mulham with 5-Star Diamond Directors Bill and Jenny Huang

Could you do with a detox?

Nutritionist Dr Libby Weaver spoke about the often touted but much-misunderstood term detox. Signs that your body could do with a detox include ‘hunger or lack of hunger, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, increased body fat, cellulite, poor energy and having a short temper.’ Detox, she explained simply means ridding the body of unwanted toxins. One way to do this is via the liver and taking a good liver tonic, such as HepaPlus™ plus eating a healthy mixed diet and drinking lots of water.


WTA’s Sam Stosur

After a gruelling match, Aussie favourite Sam Stosur was out of the Australian Open but we were lucky enough to have her spend time with us at Celebration in Melbourne. A committed Essentials™ user, we wish her the best for her future. She’s ace!

Pumping up the health message!

Visiting US fitness and health advocate and Diamond Director, Jordan Kemper excited the audience with his simple steps to USANA success. He urged everyone to get to know our award-winning products and their unique health properties as a first start.

‘USANA means true health so it’s vital to know about the health aspects of each product. Lead by example. Heart disease, diabetes and strokes are all degenerative diseases and they’re caused by lifestyle challenges including stress. Make it easy to understand. So, for example, explain how free radicals are the bad guys – think about when guacamole goes brown unless you add lemon juice which contains antioxidants – free radical fighters. Essentials™ contains the antioxidant soldiers to fight free radical damage whilst the Mega Antioxidant is like the food and water for soldiers to work properly’ he explained.’

Innovations in nutritional research

Vice President of Research and Development, Dr Carsten Smidt focused on current advances taking place in USANA’s research and development programs citing two main mineral players, magnesium and iodine. Dr Smidt revealed that chronic shortages of these two key minerals will soon be making headlines in world media; formulations and optimal concentrations of these are already being studied at USANA.

Sisters are doing it so well!

I was excited to host our women’s panel at our Melbourne Celebration and find out from the girls why we are so successful in network marketing and why we love what we do. Some of the leading women in our USANA world demonstrated that it doesn’t matter what age or stage you are, that your education background doesn’t matter either, and that start-up costs are low enough to make USANA a truly equal opportunity employer! And that’s whether you want a business to fit in with your home life or you want a business to be your total work focus. Build your business at your own pace – the choice is up to you!

Our golden Ambassador

With the Australian Open being held just down the road at the Melbourne Celebration, sports and fitness was a major focus. And with banned substances and athletes hitting the headlines in a big way, a testament to the quality and purity of USANA products came from our very own USANA-sponsored Olympic Kayaker Gold Medallist, Tate Smith.

Tate explained that although he made it to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Kayak Four (K4) 1000m Canoe Sprint, the team finished last. Despite his disappointment, he committed to four years of dedicated training aiming for London 2012. Tate has taken USANA products for three years and became a USANA-sponsored Athlete a year ago.

‘After Beijing, we went back to the drawing board and made changes straight away,’ said Tate. ‘I moved to the front of the boat and we changed our race pace. We decided to go as fast as possible and just keep going.

‘It was hard with constant training so I made sure I took my Essentials™ daily and straight away I felt like I had more energy and was sleeping better. I also take the USANA Probiotic which was very good in helping prevent stomach bugs with all the travelling I do.’

Tate took two suitcases to London 2012 for his pre-Olympic training – one for his clothes and one for his supplements. ‘I know I’m getting the highest quality supplements made from superior grade ingredients. Part of being an athlete is expecting to be drug tested regularly. I know I can feel assured that USANA products do not contain any banned substance,’ ended Tate.

Tate Smith and his teammates Dave Smith, Murray Stewart and Jacob Clear clinched gold ahead of Hungary and the Czech Republic to bring home the sixth Olympic Gold medal for Australia in the 2012 Games. It was a real honour to have this marvellous sportsman with us!

Elite Athletes out in front

We were honoured to have USANA Ambassadors, Mike Allsop and Lisa Tamati on stage at our New Zealand Celebration. Lisa talked about what she has been up to recently with her Ultra Marathon Running and her plans with Mike for their our own expedition to Mt Everest, later this year. Lisa also touched on the immense benefits of the products that she has felt.

Mike Allsop received a $2000 cheque from the USANA True Health Foundation, for the charity KidsCan to start the fundraising for the 777 Project which starts in just nine days! We will also be donating $1000 NZ for every one of the 7 marathons completed, and an additional $1000 on the completion of the 777 Project – that’s $10,000 in total! We are so excited about following Mike and joining in on this incredible adventure. So get ready to cheer him through to the finish line!

Closing by David Mulham

The health and wellness industry in Australia is estimated to have grown more than 15 per cent in the last two years; it’s now estimated to be valued at over 1.4 billion dollars.

‘Talk about being in the right place at the right time,’ said David. ‘And the really thrilling part of this, what really gets my blood pumping is that USANA only has four per cent of the market share. And that spells opportunity. Great opportunity for all of us to achieve massive growth.

‘So as we mark the beginning of 2013 with this magnificent event and recognise the extraordinary opportunity, let’s look to the future with overwhelming enthusiasm for massive success. And you can achieve anything you want. Because together we are unstoppable!’ said David.

Partying with Bill and Jenny Huang

 We were lucky enough to party at the stunning home of 5-Star Diamonds Bill and Jenny Huang. Over 200 people turned out celebrate with delicious food and lots of dancing – we even sang karaoke (OK not all of us are going to give Kylie a run for her money!) – everyone was generously given a HealthPak™ sachet and USANA Probiotic with our meal – what exceptional leaders!

Spending time with our Kiwi friends, many had an opportunity for some training with Jordan and Michael, which was a highlight for them. We look forward to seeing the results from this visit.

Now it’s time to put what we have learned into action – looking forward to getting out and seeing you all over the coming months!

Let’s make 2013 our best year to date and as Jordan Kemper says, ‘Let’s do this..BOOM!’

In happiness and health,

Pamela Ferry - Network Development & Recognition Manager for Australia


  1. Fantastic summary Pam, thank you. It was great to re-live these two awesome events.

    1. Joanne it was wonderful to see you at both events for Celebration, it’s going to be a big year for you! See you soon!

  2. Wonderful blog post, Pamela. Congratulations on two incredible events! It's exciting to read about the USANA Family coming together halfway around the world.

    Looking forward to seeing you in August in Salt Lake City!

    1. Thanks Tim, feedback has been 100% positive which is wonderful! Yes looking forward to seeing you at our BIG one!
