Monday, December 3, 2012

It’s summery Christmas-time!!!

Written by Josephine Daly - Sr. Product Manager for Australia & New Zealand

While half of the world is getting ready for a chilly snowy Christmas, we here in Australia and New Zealand are gearing up for a sporty summery Christmas holiday season!

Christmas time in Australia is a time to gorge, splurge and spend time with families, relatives and friends, whether it is out on the bright and sandy beaches, or basking with a barbeque feast in your own backyard; whether at a dance party or soulful carol singing in a park.

Christmas time in New Zealand is a perfect time to venture out and enjoy some outdoor activities such as snorkeling, diving, paragliding, sunbathing, volley ball, hot air balloon rides, or simply enjoying Christmas home functions or large festive gatherings, with family and friends.

It’s that time of year when you want to look fabulous and get in shape as well. And the key to looking good, feeling great and enjoying your holiday is by staying on top of your health, so you can be your best, no matter where the Christmas holidays take you!

A few tips to adopt…
  • Adopt a good nutritional regime and stick to it. With all the festive food, irregular eating and not the most nutritious choices at hand your nutritional intake could suffer. Keep your nutrition on track with supplements that offer an optimum level of nutrition – to bridge those holiday nutrition gaps.
  • Stay hydrated and energised. With the heat of the summer and a holiday activity overload, it is most important to drink sufficient water and fluids. If you are into sporting activities and perspiring a lot, then a natural energy drink or a sports nutrition drink will give you a burst of energy along with keeping you hydrated.
  • Load up on antioxidant abundant fruits and veggies. Summer time brings along a glorious variety of colourful fruits and veggies, which will give you an antioxidant boost to help fight off the summer nasties and keep your skin nourished as well.
  • Protect your skin and eyes. The sun can cause havoc when you are out having a great time – sun burn, sun stroke, headaches, etc. Make sure you wear a sunscreen with at least an SPF 30+ rating which protects from both UVA and UVB rays. Wear sun-protection clothing, and sunglasses to protect your eyes from sun damage. Carefully choose your hours out in the sun and it is prudent to also make sure you have an after-sun skincare regime to help your skin recover.
  • Go light and slow with the alcohol. It is the festive season, but too much alcohol can be damaging to several organs in the body from the Brain and heart to the digestive system, skin, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, blood and pancreas. And it can cause or aggravate ailments such as osteoporosis, cirrhosis, diabetes, mental instability, memory loss, infertility and cancers. So choosing lighter low-calorie alcoholic beverages mixed with antioxidant rich fruit juices is a better option for the holidays.
  • Plan for rest and relaxation. The holidays are a time for fun and festivities, but don’t forget that you do need some down-time to unwind and re-energise! Clock out when it is bedtime and ensure you have your 8-hours of shut eye. And a few pampering or yoga sessions can add that special touch to your holiday season.

While adopting most of the above are quite easy to take on board, the hard part is always trying to figure out a good nutritional regime that will work for you, and staying on top of it. However, when you have a good one at hand, it will go a long way to keep your health in shipshape. So let’s make a start…

Considering that your eating patterns could be out of routine, and your nutrition could be out of balance, the everyday multi-vitamin and multi-mineral EssentialsTM will keep your nutritional intake intact. Try Body RoxTM for your teenagers and UsanimalsTM for your kids.

You could be in the pool this moment, or indoors the next, and on-the-go all the time! Sounds like your immune could do with an antioxidant-rich Proflavanol® C100 boost.

Swimming, snorkeling, beach volley ball, even dancing and walking…all of that physical activity calls for some extra support to your bones with Active Calcium PlusTM. Teenagers can opt for the teenage version: Active CalciumTM Chewable.

Running out of steam? A stamina boost could be the answer, and CoQuinone 100TM may just help! It will help keep your heart health intact as well.

USANA is now offering you a delightful special on some of these products to keep you going through this summery festive season:

Christmas Nutritionals Pack
contains the EssentialsTM, Proflavanol® C100, Active Calcium PlusTM, and CoQuinone 100TM and this pack offers a high 20% discount on the regular sales value of the individual products. This special is timely and available from Monday, 3rd December to Wednesday, 19th December, while stocks last. Visit for more details.

Grab a pack for yourself and also for those near and dear to you – they could make a really great care-gift!

Having a wonderful Christmas holiday means that you can return to your normal daily life healthier and happier, refreshed and relaxed, and ready to take on the challenges of the upcoming New Year! So make every bit of it count.

Here’s wishing you Healthy and Merry Christmas!

Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. USE ONLY AS DIRECTED. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL.

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