Thursday, August 30, 2012

We loved celebrating YOU!

Written by Pamela Ferry 

It's great to be back at the office after traveling over the past couple of weeks for International Convention (and a little vacation time thrown in). The excitement level in the field has hit an all-time high!

Everyone is pumped and ready to take their business to the next level, having learned, grown and having been stretched way out of their comfort zones on the ride that is USANA's International Convention. For those of you who could not attend this year I wanted to share with you a few stories, in the hope that next year, you too, will come along and see for yourself how USANA is a game-changer for people's happiness, healthiness, prosperity and more!

Over 500 hundred Associates from our Pacific Region of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines travelled across the globe to attend our 20th year celebrations in Salt Lake City, Utah.With over 8,000 registered Associates, we knew this year that International Convention was going to be huge! And we were not disappointed...especially when everyone was told they would receive a FREE iPad! With so much to pack in over just a few days we put away any thoughts of sleep and got ready for four days of action, excitement, education, motivation, inspiration, fun and lots of laughter.

Starting strong

Our Australia and New Zealand team started our celebrations on the very first day with an elite breakfast. It celebrated all our Associates who had recently rank advanced to Silver or above between our Asia Pacific and International Conventions! We were thrilled when USANA CEO Dave Wentz popped in to thank our guys for their hard work and dedication. As people gathered around the tables to eat, conversations abounded with challenges to see who would be the next to advance or as to how they could support their teams to get them here next year to this very exclusive event.

We are really proud that we have an incredible team of Associates across Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, who come together and work as one for the greater cause of USANA. This was portrayed beautifully when we all joined together to take a tour of USANA’s Headquarters and also grab a group photo for the USANA magazine.

Our Teamwork Award Winner, Silver Director, Helen Quintieri with 1-Star Diamonds from the Philippines, Daisy and Rommel Balaguer.

USANAfest, our very own 80s rock concert, had a sell-out crowd with a line-up of international artists including Belinda Carlisle and Kenny was so much fun especially dressing 80s style - can you believe how lucky I am getting to call this work?

Our CEO Dave Wentz enjoying the mosh pit.

Let the show begin

Next, it was time for the show to begin and we all made our way over to the arena to sit with 8,000 other like-minded people and take in the incredible event that International Convention 2012 was...
Entertainment, major announcements from USANA Corporate, exceptional key note speakers and of course, our own Dr Myron Wentz!  We did not stop until the closing ceremony on Saturday evening.

Our amazing Dr Libby Weaver.

Pumped up Pacific Power!

Our next event saw the Aussies, Kiwis and Philippinos getting together for our debut Pacific Power hour! We had an exceptional line up. We were so grateful and honoured to have so many of USANA's best share with us! The Gen Ys Aaron Dinh (who is coming to visit us in October), Michael Callejas, Jordan Kemper and our dear friend Nancy On. Then there was USANA Vision Award winner Tony Daum and our special friend Dr Karen Wolfe, who we will also be seeing on our shores in November this year! It was a jam-packed hour and an opportunity for us to get to know our top leaders at a more personal level. Their generosity of spirit captured all our hearts! And, it was wonderful for our Pacific team to receive such special attention!

                     Vision Award Winner for this year Tony Daum and previous Vision Award Winner Dr Monica Lewis.

Let the race begin!

After a full day of general sessions, it was great to start off our final day at Convention with a five kilometre run to raise money for the Children’s Hunger Fund. Thousands of Associates and USANA staff gathered early in the morning to run the streets of Salt Lake City!

I was planning to walk it until my counterpart in the US office, Lori Truman, jogged up and asked if I cared to join her. So that was it, I was in! Nothing like a little healthy competition to keep one inspired!

It was so much fun to run with so many friends and colleagues and with an end result of raising $270,000 for the True Health Foundation...USANA just keeps raising the bar. I love our Company!

As the final session came to a close, it was an elating time but also a sad time. When something is so good we don’t want it to end. We had four intense, amazing and incredible days. We left Convention to go back to our lives armed with a wealth of knowledge, a truck-load of motivation, enough inspiration to last us until at least next year’s event and also many new friends to enrich our lives! How fortunate are we?

So as I get back into the day-to-day tasks at my desk, I think of what our very own Kevin Guest put so succinctly when he said, ‘Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened!’ It is so true and I am excited and eager to see what the next six months brings for us! Life is really good with USANA!

I will leave you with some quotes from our team and if you haven't yet purchased your ticket for 2013 International Convention, now is the time to buy! It's an investment in your future for sure and way too much fun to miss! And I can personally guarantee you will have the time of your life! I will be there to make sure of it :)

Some of our beautiful global Network Development Gals.

Health and happiness,

Pamela Ferry
Network Development Manager for Australia

And now from our Associates

‘Dr Oz’ presentation brought clarity, simplicity and understanding on how to live a healthy life. And the best thing about this, is it is easy to explain to others!’
Karen Blaik, NSW, First time Convention-goer

'Attending Convention was like being with family - all with the same vision. My love for this Company grows stronger and stronger each year. Seeing ordinary people doing an extraordinary job of sharing Dr Wentz vision and of course getting my award will stay with me forever. Wow, the rush to be on stage in front of 9,000 people and all the congratulations from people I didn't know over the next two days. If you are a newbie do whatever it takes to attend your first Convention. You will see how outstanding this Company is!' Helen Quintieri, QLD, Teamwork Award Winner

‘Wow this is the first International Convention I have had the privilege to go to! It was so much more than I ever expected. Never in my life have I been in the presence of so many positive people, gathered together with the same common goal and that is to love life and live it! See you next year as a Gold Director!' 
Carole Jones, WA, Another first time Convention-goer

‘The Gold and above round table training was invaluable and has made me change the way I think!’
Vajira Amarasinghe, NSW, New Gold Director

‘Phenomenal...amazing. The sketches of the past 20 years on the main stage was a real highlight! Dr Wentz and Dr Oz were awesome!’
Sarah Buhagiar, NSW, First time Convention-goer

'Convention was mind-blowing. USANA rocks!'
Aimee Buhagiar, NSW, New Silver Director

'Awesome! I believe the USANA will become NO.1 Network marketing company!'
Anson Ma, VIC, Gold Director

'The highlight of Convention was meeting the one-and-only Jeremy Stansfield and having the opportunity to get inspiration from the man himself. The whole atmosphere and buzz at Convention was sensational and I recommend for everyone to go to just one and it will change your view and life!'
Gerard Nox Caradona, NSW, First time Convention-goer and future Diamond


  1. Pamela,

    Excellent write-up of many of the items that made Convention the best yet! I am sorry I didn't bump into you at some point during the event. Amy says such wonderful things about you and your personality shines through in your writing. I love what your team is doing with USANA, word! It's such a valuable resource.

    Thank you and I hope to meet you soon at another USANA event.

    1. Hey Tim,
      Thank you for your kind words, we will definitely meet on my next trip over!

      Cheers Pamela Ferry
