Thursday, March 8, 2012

Look what you've missed on the first day of the Convention!

Written by Ravinder Lilly

The soggy weather in Sydney did nothing to deter visitors come over in floods to USANA's Asia Pacific Convention - a fantastic 2,278 visitors had registered by 4pm on the first day, Friday 9 March 2012.

Being quick off the mark, I was one of the first on the scene and the very first person to try out the state-of-the art facial skin monitoring machine. It penetrates deeply into the skin to show areas of damage and the presence of the "W" word - wrinkles. There is no need to get into details but apparently, I could do with some Rice Bran Polisher and some Sense brightening treatments. And I thought they were just freckles...

Needless to say, I was first in line to hear Viola Wong speak about Sense products. It seems USANA's Research & Development team discovered the benefits of topical (applied) antioxidants well before anyone else. Viola has 15 years' experience in the cosmetics industry and doesn't use anthing else. I admit it: I am now a fan!

Then, while it was quiet, I thought a little tennis would be fun so I tried out the Wii tennis game at the WTA booth. After two very rapid defeats, I think it is safe to say that I won't be challenging Sam Stosur just yet!

People were coming in crowds and I wanted to know the best sellers at the shop. Unsurprisingly, the Essentials and the HealthPaks were doing well, but the ladies' and mens' hoodles and the USANA Foods were super popular too.

Then, it was off to the Training Stage to see the launch of two new products to the Australia and New Zealand markets. Brian Dixon spoke about why healthy eating is just so important for our children. He spoke in particular about fats and how the modern diet tends to be low on a special type of fat called omega-3 fats. It seems that nine out of ten of our children don't get enough of these essential fats. The body can't make these for itself, so these fats must be provided in the diet or in the form of supplements. Oily fish like salmon and fresh tuna are rich sources of these, yet many of our children don't eat fish. That must have been the cue word because then something very fishy happened: Enter stage right the normally booted and suited figure of Australia's Network Development and Marketing Manager, Geoff Watt, dressed in boardies, a snorkel and complete with flippers. In his fishing bag, he brought with him one of Australia and New Zealand's latest product additions--BiOmega Jr. These, fun-shaped sachets, he explained, were rich in essential omega-3 oils called DHA and EPA, important components of the cells of the brain and the eyes. The sachets provide an effective dose of these oils that many of our children are short on. Each supplement comes in a tasty, creamy orange format - great on its own or stirred into yoghurt.

Check out this visitor getting to know the new BiOmega Jr.!

Next came what we thought was a little light music, but the group of lady musicians seemed and sounded a little, well flat! Enter a masked stunt bike rider who, after a couple of daring stunts, gave each of the girls a can of Rev3 Energy drink. Within moments, the troupe were dancing to the Rev3 Energy drink - surely a number one download hit in the very near future. Then, the bike came on stage again and it was none other than the VP of USANA Pacific Region David Mulham. Who knew he had such acrobatic talents? David introduced Rev3 Energy, a cleaner, smarter, stronger form of energy drink. Rev3 is low GI, low in calories, salt-free, and is powered by B-group vitamins, ginseng and the benefits of tea extracts. Later, there was a tasting and the fresh clean taste went down very well with everyone - check out the snaps!

Brian Dixon was on stage again later talking about the the most debilitating condition in the world - osteoarthritis. He explained how the condition develops and cited research by The Orthopaeadic Speciality Hospital (TOSH) in Utah, who recommend the same nutritional ingredients for both prevention and treatment: Vitamin D, fish oils and essential fatty acids, and chondro- and osteo-protective supplements. Did you know that USANA's Procosamine is a listed medicine in Australia and New Zealand, as it contains these important, potent ingredients?

Some other highlights of the day included Sheila Zhou, reporting on the main fat found in the brain - yes, it's our old friend again, that omega-3 fat, DHA.

Paula Gosney also revealed how having a plan that can be duplicated over and over again can have great business-building results.

'Remember the 10-4-1 rule' she said. 'For every 10 meetings you have, about four will show interest and want to follow-up. Out of these four, you are likely to get one person fully committed to your business.'

Got to run! I'm off to the opening general session at 7 p.m. Look for more exciting updates tomorrow.


  1. Fun and informative post, Ravinder! Love the photos as well. Sounds like an amazing event. So happy to follow along on social media. Have a wonderful time!

  2. BiOmega Jr!!! Sounds wonderful! Hope it is traveling to the US, too! (and all around the world!). For the children in our lives!

  3. BiOmega Jr. WOW! Sounds like a perfect and wonderful addition to our product line-up! So excited our friends in the Asia Pacific market are finally getting REV3- they deserve it too!
