Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Awards Ceremony, the last day and the wrap up!

Written by Ravinder Lilly & Amy Haran

The 2012 Awards Ceremony at the USANA Asia Pacific Convention was a glamorous affair - one to rival a Hollywood awards show with all those tuxes and sequined gowns, red carpet, paparazzi, and excited fans!

That spirit of generosity and enthusiasm was clear throughout the 2½-hour ceremony. Top executives recognized USANA’s newest Million Dollar Club members and major rank advancers.
Dr Wentz, Dave Wentz, Deborah Woo, and Kevin Guest also helped hand out the year’s biggest honours including the President’s Award, Top Associate Enroller, Rookie of the Year, and the Dr. Wentz Vision Award.

Yet, beneath all that glitter and glamour was a powerful sentiment. summed up by the words of Dr. Monica Lewis, winner of the evening’s distinguished Dr Wentz Vision Award:

‘This company is amazing!’ she said. ‘Listen to everyone clap, cheer and support for each other. We are proud of one another’s achievements, and with a spirit in this company like that, it’s not possible ever to fail.

Dr. Monica Lewis and Dr. Gerald Lewis dropped by the Social Media booth today

Now, it’s the last day of the AP Convention and the crowds are just as enthusiastic as ever. The Convention Shop has reported record sell-outs of the Co-Quinone (over 4000 packs sold) and the 10-pack vanilla NutriMeals have been other stars of the show. The Convention-only specials included the toothpastes and the special packs of Sensé hand relief were a convention sensation.

There were 2662 fantastic and fanatic participants at this year’s event, and as well as the enthusiastic USANA-ites at this scintillating Sydney show, it’s time to say adieu only to say g’day again next year in Hong Kong or in fact back at base in Salt Lake City later this year.

Over and out…

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