Wednesday, December 28, 2011

USANA is gearing up for AP Convention 2012

Have you secured your ticket to USANA Asia Pacific Convention 2012? Or are you still not sure if it’s worth attending? Perhaps the five reasons to attend AP2012 will help you make up your mind. Even though it’s now the festive season, USANA Australia and New Zealand office is still buzzing in anticipation for AP… After all, it’s going to be a huge event!

So, where we are at?

If you have visited the AP Convention 2012 website recently, you will have noticed our new look and feel, while still providing all the essential information you will need to make your trip to Sydney an unforgettable experience. Of course, as time goes on, we will be adding more information, so don’t forget to check back whenever you have a question about the convention.

For those who haven’t been to Sydney before, why not follow USANA Vice President of Pacific Region, David Mulham, as he takes you through Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney Harbour Bridge and Circular Quay. Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming blogs, where we will give you a list of things to do and tips on travelling, dining and accommodations.

Click here if you have trouble watching this video

What’s happening in the “word-of-mouth” world?

One of the amazing things about social media is being able to filter the information and meanwhile, have your own voice. Verse visa, you can hear from others as well, especially those who share the same interest with you. Find the latest updates on the AP Convention page of the USANA Australia New Zealand fan page, join the conversation and spread the word to your friends, because this is what social media all about. A tricky way to share this page is to include “@USANA Asia Pacific Convention 2012” in your wall post and the smart Facebook will pick up this link, which will take your friends to the event page.

Apart from Facebook, we have wrapped USANA, word! (blog) and @USANA_ANZ (Twitter) with AP wrapping paper. To read the AP blogs, just type in “USANA Asia Pacific Convention 2012” in the search bar. When share the latest AP news with your followers on Twitter, put the hash tag #USANAAPC12 in your Tweets. As you can tell, we are all geared-up!

Treat the New Year as a new start – and at USANA we will start celebrating the New Year with excitement and energy as we charge towards the AP Convention! We are looking forward to it, and so are the USANA Sydney Associates! Here is what they say about it.

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