Wednesday, August 17, 2011

USANA Biz Centre: What Do You Tweet About?

140 characters – that's not a lot of space. If you're a USANA Associate thinking of using Twitter to promote your business, you may be wondering just what you can say in 140 characters. Here at USANA, we love to tweet, (follow us on @USANA_ANZ) so we've put our heads together to come up with some great ideas to engage and entertain your followers:

Ask Questions
People love to give their opinion, especially on topics like health and well-being. Instead of posting a link to a product, you could ask your readers what they do to keep fit over winter. Questions encourage discussion and friendly banter, which leads to your followers trusting you.

Comment on trending topics
If you look to the right of your Twitter screen, you'll see a list of trending topics – these are the most popular tweets on Twitter right now – commenting on these topics will get your name in front of the thousands of people talking about them – if you're entertaining, you might get lots of new followers.

Participate in hashtag discussions (conversations)
Many groups hold discussions and chat sessions on Twitter using #hashtags. You could participate in interesting discussions – you might answer some questions about USANA products or help other USANA Associates set up their business. If you help people, they'll remember you as someone genuine and friendly and will want to follow you.

Post Links

People love to find interesting, entertaining and thought-provoking articles and websites. Whenever you post a link to an article or blog post, include the author's @username in your tweet, so they can see you spreading the word about their website – they may want to give you a shout-out in return.

Re-tweet others’ tweets

Another easy way to interact with people is to re-tweet their tweets. You may find out what people are talking about USANA by visiting and typing in the keyword ‘USANA’. And this applies to other key words as well, such as ‘fish oil’, ‘vitamin D’ and ‘health’. For those valuable tweets, you may re-tweet them by putting “RT” plus the originator’s username at the beginning of the tweet. Here is an example:

If the originator is not your follower, then chances are that he/she will follow you after the re-tweeting.

Tweet Frequently
Tweets appear and disappear so quickly; your followers might never see your tweets in their feed. The more often you tweet, the more likely people will see your tweets, click your links, and re-tweet you to their followers. Timing is also important – try to tweet in the different time of the day rather than posting lots of tweets in one go; the time that most of your followers use the Twitter service, the time that you should post your tweets.
Some more tips from the USANA head office in Salt Lake City are:
  • Put thought into what you tweet to the masses
  • Share content that offers real value to your followers and others who might be interested in the topics you’re tweeting about
  • Re-tweet stories from USANA’s Twitter account or from others who share similar health and wellness information
The more you use Twitter, the better you understand what techniques are the most effective for increasing your followers. So don't be shy, come join us at @USANA_ANZ and let's tweet up a storm!

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