USANA RESET Challenge gives Anne a new look on life

Australian RESET Challenge winner Anne Letier believes the USANA products have definitely changed her life and health. She said USANA has taught her to have some freedom in life and also to be fit and healthy.

Before joining USANA, Anne Letier worked in an office. She spent most of her day sitting down and was inactive for the lengthy trips to and from work. Anne also made poor choices when it came to food, this had a huge impact on her health and she knew something had to change.

“I was always overweight, and I looked and felt bloated all the time,” she said. “I also experienced cramps and walking long distances was becoming a problem.”

Anne said she had wanted to lose weight “for a very long time” and “chase the dream” of having the ‘perfect body’.

Anne, who comes from Mauritius, said a lot of the cultural food she eats is delicious but involves deep frying, large amounts of meat, oil and sodium-rich sauces.

“After spending a six week holiday with my family in Mauritius, I made poor choices with food and ended up gaining extra weight. From the moment I arrived back home to Australia, I decided I desperately needed to make a change with my health and my weight,” she said.

Anne said after reaching that point she began on the RESET Challenge practically right away.

“I had used the USANA Nutrimeal range and the snacks many times previously and I had always found them delicious and satisfying to my hunger but it was going to be my first time eating the products consistently for a long period of time,” Anne said.

“Mentally, I thought it was going to be a great challenge for me, resisting the unhealthy foods that I have eaten so frequently for so long, and to my surprise and delight, I persisted for the full 12 weeks without much hesitation and temptation!”

Anne said at times, she blended the Nutrimeal products with fresh fruit and stepped up her exercise routine, involving a lot more cardio including more intense runs on the treadmill and longer walks with her husband than she could ever manage to do before.

“Throughout my RESET journey, I had the support of my family who are all USANA Associates, and also the support of my team – Team Vision Dynamic. With so many people backing me up, joined with my personal determination to turn around my health and weight – I knew I wouldn’t fail.”
Anne said at her age she knew she needed to greatly improve her health and is “incredibly happy I completed the RESET Challenge”.

“I have lost lots of weight and I am really proud of the results I have achieved. I feel great.  With a combination of the USANA supplement range, healthy eating, regular exercise and support from my team and family – I know I can maintain and continue my weight loss.”

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