USANA's top six ways to reduce injury when exercising

When you’re exercising there are a number of different ways to reduce injury to make sure your exercise is as effective as it can be. The following tips can be used by you to truly achieve your full potential when exercising. There are six key steps to follow to make sure you don’t injure yourself when exercising. These steps are:

Warming up

When exercising it is important to never go straight into an exercise, especially an intense one. Do some light movements and flexes to make sure your body is warmed up and ready to move before beginning.

Correct technique

Correct technique is key when exercising. Not only does it hinder injury but also provides you with the best workout. Make sure to follow the exercise as it has been taught and make sure you know the whole exercise, don’t try and make up parts if you don’t know them.


Stretching is an integral part of making sure you don’t injure yourself. Before doing any form of exercise, you should always limber up and stretch the muscles you’re about to use to make sure you don’t pull or strain any of them. Always stretch after warming up so you’re in peak condition to start your exercise.

Balanced training schedule

When you train, make sure you schedule it! Scheduling your exercise means you get a balanced workout every week, without doing too much or too little. Doing too much exercise can seriously impact your health and wellbeing, while too little won’t give you any real results. At least once or twice a week, but not every day is a rough schedule you can follow, but it’s important to do a balance of high and low intensity exercise each week.

Correct diet

One of the most important parts of exercise is actually to maintain a good diet. Make sure you receive the vital nutrients you need while keeping a steady flow of energy to make sure you can finish your exercise and keep developing your body.


Concentrating is key when exercising; make sure your focus is on what you’re doing. Staring at a screen or your phone can make you lose focus and you might forget or miss something in front of you, which can lead to serious injury in some cases. Also focus on the exercise at hand and you’ll be injury free!

NOTE: Thanks to USANA work experience students Matt and Jack for researching and writing this blog.

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