USANA Reset Challenge: Lisa’s story

By USANA ANZ staff

Like many of us, Lisa Joe felt a little tighter after the Christmas festivities. Snacking on high GI foods, Lisa tipped the scales at her heaviest weight ever – 97.6kg. Yet, she was determined to shed the excess kilos, with RESET come the New Year 2013. ‘Then the RESET™ Challenge was announced and I opted in!’ says Lisa.

After finishing an end-of-year holiday, Lisa flew into Auckland on the 6th of January 2013, ready to start her first day of the RESET Kick Start Program on January the 7th. Straight back to work and with no downtime, Lisa also began walking regularly. ‘At the end of the five- day Kick-Start, I had lost 5kg,’ said a delighted Lisa.

Lisa continued onto the RESET Transform phase plus included 30 minutes of power walking on the treadmill. ‘I found I started to walk taller and even sat more upright – I wasn’t slouching anymore,’ she says. After work Lisa would enjoy a Rev3 Energy TM Drink, and looked forward to her evening exercise. I also drank more water,’ she says.

For Lisa, January to March was the busiest work time of the year and often meant working late. But no matter how late it was, Lisa always stuck to her weight-loss regime including her daily exercise. ‘The Nutrimeal™ Shakes are ideal – so convenient to pack and go, and I know that I am getting a balanced nutritious low GI meal,’ says Lisa.

Lisa kept her motivation strong by keeping a weight, body measurement and food diary. She submitted and tracked her weight-loss progress on the RESET Challenge website to maintain her motivation.

Workforce inspiration

‘My friends and work colleagues commented on my weight-loss which encouraged me even more. I achieved my target weight of 86kg in week 11 of the RESET Challenge and decided to set a new target weight of 83kg. The last week of the RESET Challenge was tough, as I was working late most nights organising a Diploma in Paediatrics workshop.

I was on my feet, running around during the two-day event; I felt tired but I pushed myself to do my power walk and the Rev3 Energy TM Drink certainly helped!

On the final day of the RESET Challenge, I stepped onto the scales weighing in at 83kg. I was so thrilled that I reached my target weight!’


Ready to make big changes

Shaplier, happier and
well on her way!
















So what about the future?

Lisa is determined to continue her weight-loss and get-healthy habits; she’s setting another weight-loss goal.

‘The RESET Transform Program will help me to lose more kilos so I can achieve my next target,’ says Lisa. ‘It has already helped me to reset my eating habits and start exercising again. I have more energy and love living my healthier lifestyle. And believe me, I have no intention of looking back!’ ends Lisa.

Congratulations on your wonderful achievements Lisa - and good luck for the future. We can't wait to see you achieve all of your goals!

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