Libby’s wave at USANA Australia

“My mission is to educate and inspire people, improving their health and happiness, and through that process, create a ripple effect that transforms the world.”

Dr. Libby Weaver, nutrition specialist and weight loss expert visited USANA Australia corporate office at Castle Hill and delivered an audience-mesmerising training on the topic “Body Basics, Digestive Health, Tummies, Stress and You!” to a house-full audience of USANA Associates and guests. She was thrilled with the enthusiasm of the guests and the keenness of everyone in the room to the health message she presented.

She commenced her training by explaining her mission statement and the joy that educating people on health brings her. She spoke about the knowledge of health basics and how it can be a source of empowerment to take control of one’s own health choices and happiness.

Dr Libby progressed on the topic of training to introduce the 9 pieces of the puzzle that form the basics of body health: Calories, Stress Hormones, Liver, Thyroid, Insulin, Gut Bacteria, Alkalinity, Emotions and Sex Hormones. In the training, she elaborated on Calories, Stress Hormones and the Liver.

In relation to calories, she talked about making the right food choices and the need to supplement as a result of our produce today not meeting the optimal nutrient levels required by our bodies. She also threw out some nuggets of wisdom which surprised our guests, such as “Slow down eating and spend more time chewing your food as this can make digestion much more efficient” and “Do not drink plain water with meals (as it reduces the acidity in your stomach), but instead drink water with lemon in it and drink plain water between meals”.

She further went on to explain the process of digestion, the importance of good bacteria and gut flora to enhance nutrient absorption and gut health. She said “we are not what we eat but we are what we absorb”.

Dr Libby then elaborated on the function of the liver and the process of detoxification that takes place in our system constantly, through two primal phases, indicating that the key culprits for an overload on the liver are: alcohol, caffeine, synthetic substances, trans fats, refined sugar and infection.

She also went on to talk about the Stress Hormones: Adrenalin and Cortisol which are produced by the body in response to the level and periodicity of stress a person experiences, and enlightened the audience on how stress experienced over an extended period of time can lead to a person packing on the kilos of weight, which even the best diets cannot shake off! Her answer was “more stress calls for more nutrients”.

Dr Libby then went on to suggest nutritional support appropriate for Digestive Health, Liver and Adrenal Glands. She suggested EssentialsTM, USANA Probiotic and Proflavanol® C100 for Digestive health; Essentials, HepaPlusTM, BiOmegaTM III and Procosamine® for Liver support; and Essentials MultiMineral and herbs such as Rhodiola, Ginseng and Withania for support of the Adrenal glands.

One key message that she drove home is that “Healthy people lose weight”, because every system in your body, when in balance, makes you feel better, look better and you are even happier! All of our guests left the training feeling energised and firmly resolved to put into practice some of the nuggets of wisdom on health basics that they learned from Dr Libby Weaver.

Here is what Associates and their guests said about the wonderful training:

“Inspiring! I am thankful for the reminder about HOW and WHY our bodies are created for enjoying all God’s given us and being thankful!”

Colleen Golafshan

“Very helpful and made a lot of common sense!”

Brian English

“Initially we thought it was going to be a boring presentation, but it turned out to be the most inspiring and the most interesting speech, especially when she described our liver as her hand! We can’t agree more with her theory and beliefs. And she brought out a totally new angle for us to recommend USANA to health-aware people.”

Lynda Wang & Gina Yi

“Dr. Libby is absolutely amazing. I have listened to her presentation for three times now, and I still find it inspiring! I have both her books and they are awesome.”

Dick Williams

People were reading Libby’s books: Rushing Woman’s Syndrome and Accidentally Overweight

You have no idea how popular her book signing is!

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