Gill’s Thoughts…..

I spent a few days at the Australian Open this week watching elite athletes perform making it look so easy. You would think I would be struck by their amazing athletic ability, the years that they must have put in to reach such great heights in their chosen sport. Maybe the knowledge of the sacrifices along the way would touch my heart and inspire me to set new goals and reach new heights in 2011 with the same determination and grit.

But no… it was a small possibly insignificant incident that reminded me of my passion for the direct selling industry. I was thrilled to be sitting in the players’ café, soaking up the atmosphere off court, watching some of the elite players relaxing. One of our USANA Ambassadors, Kim Clijsters was sitting nearby enjoying some time with her daughter. Playing at her elite level it struck me that she has combined more than a successful career in tennis; ranking currently at # 3 with being a great mum.

WHY did this strike me so passionately? USANA allows YOU the freedom to do the same - to combine a successful career with the full time job of having a family.

How can you use this? Talk to working Mums and Dads who would rather be at home with their kids. Show them the way through the USANA opportunity to have a fantastic work –life balance.

As I watched USANA Ambassador Sam Stosur (currently ranked #6 )play, I am honoured to be taking the same nutritional supplements as this amazing athlete. As Sam competes over the next two weeks; and being in the media constantly, this is an opportunity for you to ask the question below.

Would you like to be on the same nutritional supplements as Sam Stosur and Kim Clijsters?

Top athletes trust their health to USANA, to enable them to compete at the highest level… why wouldn’t you?

Talk to someone today!