USANA Tips: Digestive Health at Christmas

It's the festive season - a time for indulgences! Calendars fill up with plans for parties and festivities. Food and alcohol are the hardest to resist, but can be the cause for many nasties in your digestive system.

Good liver function is important so your body can normally detoxify and process the food and drink you consume. Do you have a plan to support your liver health this season?

A few pointers from USANA to help you this Christmas season...

Follow these few tips to manage liver health during this festive season. Support your liver with a good liver tonic, such as USANA's New! HepaPlus, which employs Nutritional Hybrid Technology, providing you a superior formulation in a bi-layer tablet. Your liver will love you for it! For detailed product information, go to the HepaPlus product page.

A happy holiday is a healthy holiday - so look after your health this Christmas holiday season!