USANA Sponsored Athlete Gets Mentioned Again!

Have you read the latest media on Brent Newdick, USANA Sponsored athlete in Howick and Pakuranga Times & Nutrition and Diet News? USANA is pleased to note that following a successful celebration morning tea for Brent, Howick & Pakuranga Times had the chance to catch up with Brent for a chat.

Picture from Howick & Pakuranga Times

For USANA Associates - Following the press release distributed online by USANA, Nutrition and Diet News also featured Brent and USANA. It’s always fantastic to see USANA in the media and get third party endorsements from athletes like Brent. If you haven’t visited USANA’s Media Centre lately, visit it next time you are logged in to USANAtoday. All media, press releases, athlete testimonials get featured there and guess what? They are all downloadable and available to use when prospecting.

Handy hint : create a USANA folder with the downloadable materials and show your prospect when telling them about USANA products!