Race Day Applause… Congratulations Gill!

We just heard that Gill completed the New York Marathon with an amazing result - 4 hours 38 mins (unofficial result)! While her goal for this run was under 5 hours, she made it 21 minutes faster! Wow, we are so impressed! Good on you Gill!

Let's have a look at the flashback scene: The event started early on a damp and cold morning in Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island. The day started with breakfast, entertainment and athletes’ warm-up.
Gill Stapleton, in a pink top, with confident smile, started her 42.195km marathon with seven friends from Sydney and tens of thousands of other runners. For Gill, the marathon is about setting a high target, and doing whatever it takes to achieve it. She has been training for over six months to reach her target and complete the NYC marathon with this amazing result.

The biggest challenge of running the marathon for Gill has been to fit the training schedule in with her busy work schedule as General Manager of USANA Australia and New Zealand. She obviously has a lot on her plate already! At USANA International Convention this year, she had to run 28km before the Saturday session which meant getting up at 4am before most people even hear the alarm go off! However, running with international colleagues and watching the sunrise over the Utah horizon became one of her best memories. “Thank goodness for USANA nutritional supplements – I couldn’t have survived without them,” Gill says.

Gill’s family has supported her from the beginning. We hear her husband has even taken over some of the household chores in order for Gill to fit her training in. What a great husband!

Send your congratulations to Gill by leaving a message below. Tell us what goals you have for this year and how you plan to achieve them.