Glowing Summer Skin

The New Zealand summer is well and truly here and that means lots of time for fun in the sun. There is no better time to be feeling good, looking great and being at the top of your game. Unfortunately most of us have over indulged over the holidays and getting back the balance can be challenging.

There are many factors that contribute to skin issues including stress, fatigue, toxins, diet and lifestyle. No matter how much time you put into your external skin care regime you will never get the skin you want until you focus on the inside. That means beautifying from the inside out by making sure your body gets what it needs.

So here are some great tips for achieving glowing summer skin this summer and getting back on track after Christmas madness.

It's true what they say about inner beauty, make sure your insides are working to make you look great on the outside. What you put into your body makes a big difference to your skin, teeth and hair and it has a major effect on energy levels.

Get glowing summer skin by drinking lots of water, avoiding high sugar foods and drinks, eating a balanced diet and avoiding alcohol.

Kick the caffeine in 2010, coffee, red bull and coke all contain high amounts of caffeine. Try cutting down or cutting out caffeinated drinks and feel the effects on your energy levels. These drinks also contain sugar; notice the positive effects on your skin when you cut them out of your diet.

Steer clear of skin care products that contain chemicals or parabens. Skin care products that are natural and contain essential oils are great for your skin.

Supplements for improving and maintaining healthy glowing skin include Omega 3, tea tree oil, vitamin C and E.

Fruit and vegetables are a great source of antioxidants which not only help with keeping your skin fresh but with many other aspects of your health.

Try some of USANA’s great glowing skin products like Sensé skincare, BiOmega III and E-Prime.

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